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姓名 | 职务 | 邮箱 |
Parks Tau 帕克斯·托 | 南非豪登省经济发展执行委员会委员;世界城地组织原主席;约翰内斯堡原市长 Member of Executive Council for Economic Development, Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, Gauteng Provincial Government; Deputy Minister of Cooperate Governance and Traditional Affairs (2019-2020); Mayor of Johannesburg (2011-2016); |
parks.tau2@gauteng.gov.za |
Jacqueline Moustache 杰奎琳·穆斯塔什-贝勒 | 世界城地组织非洲区性别与青年事务主管;塞舌尔维多利亚市原市长,世界城地组织原联合主席 Director for Gender and Youth United Cities and Local Governments – Africa; Mayor, Victoria, Seychelles (2012-2016); Former President, Association of the Districts of Victoria; Former Co-President, United Cities and Local Governments; Former Vice President, Africa Eastern Region, United Cities and Local Governments; Jury member of the 4th Guangzhou Award; | jacqueline.moustache@gmail.com |
Eugenie L. Birch 尤金妮·伯奇 | 美国宾夕法尼亚大学城市研究所联合主任、教授,联合国人居署世界城市运动主席 FAICP, RTPI (hon), FacSS; Nussdorf Chair for Urban Research, School of Design, Co-Director of Penn Institute for Urban Research, University of Pennsylvania; Chair, UN-HABITAT’s World Urban Campaign (2014-2016); President, General Assembly of Partners (2015 to present); Jury member of the 4th Guangzhou Award; | elbirch@design.upenn.edu |
Beate Weber-Schuerholz 贝亚特·韦伯-舒勒赫兹 | 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会外籍专家;德国海德堡市原市长、欧洲议会原成员 Member, European Parliament (1979-1990); Mayor, Heidelberg, Germany (1990-2006); Chair, Commission on Economic Development and the Internal Market, German Federal Organisation of Municipalities (2003-2006); Member, Special Task Force, “Good City Models under the Concept of Ecological Civilization” of CCICED (2014); Jury member of the 3rd and 4th Guangzhou Award; | weber_beate@t-online.de |
Khoo Teng Chye 邱鼎财 | 新加坡国立大学工程学院和设计与环境学院实践教授;新加坡国家水务局原局长、城市重建局原局长兼总规划师 Practice Professor, Faculty of Engineering and the School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore; Executive Director for the Centre for Livable Cities, Ministry of National Development (2010-2020), Singapore; Chief Executive Officer/Chief Planner at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (1992 to 1996); Chief Executive Officer/Group President of PSA Corporation(1996 to 2002), President and Chief Executive Officer of Mapletree Investments and Managing Director (Special Projects) of Temasek Holdings (2002 to 2003) and Chief Executive of PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency (2003 to 2011); | tckhoo@nus.edu.sg |
Yu Keping 俞可平 | 北京大学讲席教授,北京大学中国政治学研究中心主任、城市治理研究院院长;中共中央编译局原副局长 Chair Professor, Director of PKU Institute of Urban Governance, Director of PKU Research Centre for Chinese Politics, Peking University; Jury member of the 1st and 3rd Guangzhou Award. | "曹政杰 caozhengjie@@pku.edu.cn 梁文雨 wenyuliang@pku.edu.cn" |